
inter-american conference of ministers of labor معنى

  • مؤتمر وزراء العمل في البلدان الأمريكية
  • conference    n. مؤتمر, اتحاد, ت ...
  • conference of ministers    مؤتمر الوزراء
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • ministers    الوزراء; وزراء; وز ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • labor    n. كادح, عمل, كدح, ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. inter-american committee on education معنى
  2. inter-american committee on science and technology معنى
  3. inter-american committee on the alliance for progress معنى
  4. inter-american conference for the maintenance of peace معنى
  5. inter-american conference for the protection of food and tourism معنى
  6. inter-american conference on international arbitration معنى
  7. inter-american conference on natural disaster reduction معنى
  8. inter-american conference on problems of war and peace معنى
  9. inter-american conference on responsible fishing معنى
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